Auf dieser Seite der Gleise / De partea asta a șinelor

Auf dieser Seite der Gleise / De partea asta a șinelor
Title Auf dieser Seite der Gleise / De partea asta a șinelor
English title On This Side of the Tracks
Director Zauri Matikashvili
Country Germany
Year 2021
Color Colour
Genre Documentary
Duration 00:31:20
Festival year 2022
Competitions NRW Competition
Online rental No
On-Site rental No

In Dortmund’s northern city, Roma and Romnja talk about their traditions and their life. The camera follows their perspectives, showing the facades and peering behind them. In which ways do the spatial structure of the district, the architecture and individual living influence each other? How do the people in the neighbourhood experience racist prejudices? And do they finally succeed in shaping their environment according to their own needs?