Ich bin hier

Ich bin hier
Title Ich bin hier
English title I am here
Director Mariola Brillowska
Country Germany
Year 2016
Color Colour
Genre Music video
Duration 00:03:49
Festival year 2020
Selected for Festival No
Online rental No
On-Site rental No

Danny, Damian and Caroline pile into the house, backwards, but with a sure sense of direction. They say that they are here and that music is important to them. That it is their friend. That they dance to it, they and everyone. That they like Lilla Coke and Ghostbusters. And in summer, they picnic, sing, rattle, knit, swing, cuddle, enjoy themselves together with their house-mates and staff under shady trees in the idyllic garden that they call Reitbrook. They do not suspect that they are quoting the painting entitled ‘Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe’ (1863) by the Impressionist painter Édouard Manet.