A Talk with Phil Hoffman (filmmaker, professor, processor)
Labs is the festival's annual showcase of recent analogue works by artist run laboratories from around the world curated by Vassily Bourikas.
Labs Radio Talks is part of the online section of Labs on the Channel. Structured as a series of radio broadcasts and recorded with a small live audience the Talks focus on aspects of analogue film and the photochemical processes as these are regarded by individual artists, viewers and thinkers from the lab communities and beyond.
Toronto based Phil Hoffman will speak to Vassily Bourikas of a unique filmic retreat in Mount Forrest, Ontario and also of this Film Farm's planned workshop in Oberhausen, now postponed for 2022. Phil will also tell about his earlier filmmaking and about his role as an educator and how hand-processing evolved from a need to teach film. We will also learn a thing or two about Process Cinema and how to put analogue film kits in the post during a pandemic.
Philip Hoffman is a Canadian experimental filmmaker, who’s recent work "vulture" received the Kodak Cinematic Award from Ann Arbor Film Festival and the Fugas Jury Award at Documenta Madrid. He is the founder and artistic director of The Independent Imaging Retreat, a.k.a. `Film Farm’, which has been in existence for more than 25 years.
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