
Submissions for the 71st International Short Film Festival Oberhausen

The submission deadlines for Oberhausen's 71st edition (29 April - 4 May 2025) have expired.
German musicvideos can still be submitted until 24 February 2025.

Conditions for Submissions

Applicable to all submissions
All submissions must be made via our website (online entry form). Film submissions are only possible for one competition at a time. Double submissions will not be accepted.

Production date
After 1 January 2024

Premiere requirements
There are different premiere requirements in the individual competitions. Please check the individual sections and regulations.

Submission deadlines
For all competitions: 26 January 2025, with the exception of the MuVi award: 24 February 2025
Early Bird deadline (only for the International Competition): 1 October 2024
Eligible submissions received until that date will be previewed in advance. Submitters will be informed of the decisions in November 2024.
The deadline for all competitions refers to the date of receipt of the submissions. No extensions are possible.

Admitted screening formats
For all competitions except the MuVi award: 35 mm, 16 mm and Super 8 as well as DCP

Handling fee
The submission of the first five works by one submitter is free of charge. From the sixth submission, a handling fee of 20 euros per film will be charged.

You can find the complete submission requirements in our regulations and the MuVi regulations.

Competition selection
All selection results will be announced in mid-March 2025.

Music videos

Please use this option to submit German music videos. The director or production must be based in Germany. The director and producer of the video must be authorized by the owner of the rights to the piece of music used to produce a music video for this title. 

Please read the MuVi regulations carefully before you submit.

Maximum running time:15 minutes
Seat of production or co-production:in Germany
Premiere status:no festival premiere required
Deadline for submission:24 February 2025

International productions

Please use this option to submit international productions and co-productions. 

Co-productions with Germany must be submitted for the International Competition, provided they comply with the regulations of the International Competition. They will then be considered for either the International Competition or the German Competition, depending on the seat of the main production company.
If they do not comply with the regulations of the International Competition, i.e. films longer than 35 minutes and/or no German festival premiere, co-productions with Germany must be submitted for the German Competition. These will only be considered for the German Competition.

Please read the regulations carefully before you submit.

Maximum running time:35 minutes
Seat of production or co-production:not in Germany, except for co-productions
Premiere status:German festival premiere
Deadline for submission:26 January 2025

Early Bird submission deadline on 1 October 2024
This Early Bird deadline only applies to the International Competition. Eligible works received until that date will be previewed in advance. Submitters will be informed of the decisions in November 2024.

German productions

Please use this option to submit German productions.

Co-productions with Germany must be submitted for the German Competition if they do not comply with the regulations of the International Competition, i.e. films with a length of more than 35 minutes and/or no German festival premiere. These will only be considered for the German Competition. All other co-productions must be submitted for the International Competition.

Please read the regulations carefully before you submit.

Maximum running time:45 minutes
Seat of production:in Germany
Premiere status:no festival premiere is required
Deadline for submission:26 January 2025

NRW productions

Submissions for the NRW Competition must be made via the submission form of the German Competition. Please enter “produced or co-produced in NRW” under “Production details”. In addition, all eligible submissions for the German competitions will be previewed for the NRW Competition. Please read the regulations carefully.

Please read the regulations carefully before you submit.

Maximum running time:45 minutes
Seat of production or co-production:in NRW
Premiere status:no festival premiere required
Deadline for submission:26 January 2025

Children's and youth film productions

International productions and co-productions must be submitted via the entry form of the International Competition, German productions must be submitted via the entry form of the German Competition. Please select “children’s and youth film” in the entry form. All eligible submissions to the International and German competitions will be previewed for the International Children’s and Youth Film Competition.

Please read the regulations carefully before you submit.

Premiere status:no festival premiere required
Deadline for submission:26 January 2025

How do I submit my film?

1. Fill in the corresponding entry form and enter a preview link.

2. Wait while the independent committees preview all submissions.

3. The competition selection will be announced exclusively by email by mid-March 2025 (entering a valid email-address is therefore obligatory).

The decisions after the Early Bird submission deadline will be announced through the same channel in November 2024.

4. The International Short Film Festival Oberhausen will invite all filmmakers in the on-site competitions to Oberhausen.