Throughout its long history, the Oberhausen has also regularly issued publications. In addition to all festival catalogues and brochures, these include the so-called "Berichtshefte" (report booklets) of the festival years 1961 to 1990, which contain competition programmes, lists of prize-winners and press reports as well as film analyses of the most important prize-winning films. In addition, about 25 further publications on individual film genres and countries as well as on selected topics were published. As a rule, the publications are only available in German. Most of the publications are still available for purchase; please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
Carsten Spicher
Publications from 1997
after youtube
The 'Oberhausener' Provoking Reality
Reader film<lokal>
Hellmuth Costard. Das Wirkliche war zum Modell geworden
Kinomuseum - Towards an Artists' Cinema
kurz + klein
Oberhausen. Exterior Views
Provokation der Wirklichkeit. Das Oberhausener Manifest und die Folgen (in German only)
Pop Unlimited?
Überraschende Begegnungen der kurzen Art (in German only)
Publications 1966 – 1997
Expertise zur Situation des Kurzfilms in Deutschland
Retrospective of the Japanese Short Film
NAFTI - The National Film Institute Ghana - The Filmschool
Film and Television Institute of India (FTII), Pune
Film Schools in the United States
Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (dffb)
Filmhochschule Lodz in Oberhausen
Fernando Birri – Materialien und Dokumente
Frieden als Gegenteil des Krieges
Studio für Animationsfilm Krakau 1966-1984
Filme aus Filmen - Möglichkeiten des Episodenfilms
Aspekte einer wirkungsbezogenen Filmdramaturgie
Bergarbeiter im Spielfilm
Möglichkeiten des Dokumentarfilms
O. is for Oberhausen
HFF Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik 1954 - 1979
Der lateinamerikanische Film heute
Der Kampf gegen das Nationalsozialistische Deutschland
Delmer Daves
Die bitteren Jahre
Catalogues and Reports
Festival Catalogues
1988 – today (1991, 2013, 2014: sold out!)
Price: 10 €
(Film)Market Catalogue
2008 – 2011: on CD-Rom (for PC oder Mac) only
Price: 15 €
1993 – 2008 (2005: sold out!)
Price: 10 €
Reports of the West German Short Film Festival
Kurzfilmtage 1962 – 1988 + 1990
Price: if available; € 5 each
Sport Film Festival
Sport Film Festival '75 Oberhausen
Federal Institute of Sports Science Edition, Vol. 11
Wulf Preising (ed.)/Federal Institute of Sports Science
Karl Hofmann, Schorndorf 1977
Sport Film Festival '73 Oberhausen
International film and television festival and audiovisual workshop
Communication in Sports Science, Vol. 2)
August Kirsch (ed.)/Federal Institute of Sports Science
Osang-Verlag, Bad Honnef, 1974
Sport Film Festival '70 Oberhausen
International film and television festival – report
Will Wehling (ed.)/State Sports Association NRW
Verlag Karl Maria Laufen, Oberhausen 1970