
Our year-round market catalogue is one of the largest resources for short film worldwide. Here you have access to the submissions of the Short Film Festival since 1997, which now include around 78,000 titles.

In the Video Library you can view the current works submitted to the festival.

Market Catalogue

All information is freely searchable with title, staff details, synopsis, genre etc.. It is possible to search for whole words as well as for partial words, with simple or combined search queries.

Professional Access
Contact details for films are not freely accessible, but are reserved for professionals, especially buyers and festivals. If you are interested in this service, please contact Katharina Schröder to request a password.

Film Search

Video Library

In 1989, the Short Film Festival set up a short film market for the first time, which met with a positive response right from the start. Today, visitors to the Video Library can put together their own viewing program from the now more than 6,300 works submitted each year at technically superbly equipped stations. Nowhere else can buyers, distributors, gallery owners, curators and festival representatives access such a large pool of current short productions.

Professional Access
During the festival, access to the current titles and contact details of all films from the festival is reserved exclusively on site for professional audiences, especially those interested in acquisitions and other festivals. Appointments can only be made via the booking tool.

Accredited trade visitors can also view the competition entries online and password-protected for four weeks after the festival for individual viewing purposes in the Video Library.


Katharina Schröder