Aysun Bademsoy: "Mädchen am Ball" (1995)
30 years ago, Aysun Bademsoy spent a season watching the women's football team of the Agrispor club from Berlin-Kreuzberg, which wanted to move up to the national league. Her film "Mädchen am Ball" is also a portrait of some of the young women, most of whom are of Turkish origin, whose commitment to sport is not met with enthusiasm by all their families. At the end, the film captures how a Berlin sports court makes a scandalous decision that would never have been made against a player of German descent. A sports film that develops into a study of social and political conditions. Further information on the film can be found in the interview Dietrich Leder conducted with Aysun Bademsoy, in which she talks about the sequels to "Mädchen am Ball", among other things.
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