„Deutsche Wochenschau“ Nr. 641/1942
Modern sport, as it was coined in the industrializing nation states in the mid-19th century, served the purposes of the new forms of work. At the same time, sport prepared the body for the demands of the campaigns of the national armies through exercises such as those developed by the German gymnastics movement. In the "Deutsche Wochenschau" 641 from November 1942, the first four minutes are devoted to sport: in the report on an anniversary event of the organization "Kraft durch Freude” (Strength through Joy), synchronized gymnastic exercises by over 100 women can be seen, which combine to form an ornamental mass image that can be seen in a long shot. Close-ups show soldiers in uniforms and with Nazi symbols rejoicing. The world record holder in endurance gliding is introduced as a “Sturmbannführer”. The commentary explains that "all German boxers remained undefeated" in the three-country boxing match between Germany, Hungary and Italy. The remaining 13 minutes are devoted to the war: after images of the swearing-in of an SS regiment in Prague and the construction of a submarine bunker on the Atlantic, shots of the advance of German troops in Africa and the Caucasus are shown. As usual in sports reports, all the images are dominated by non-stop movement - of infantry, tanks, ships and airplanes. Problems on the eastern front are presented as having been overcome. A huge lie: by this time, the Soviet counter-offensive had begun, which shortly afterwards trapped German troops at Stalingrad. The beginning of the end of the German war of aggression, which subjugated large parts of Europe and enabled the mass murder of the European Jews.
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