What the book "Dabei sein wäre alles" tells us about the repressed sides of sport - Martin Krauß in conversation with Dietrich Leder
Martin Krauß, born in Koblenz in 1964, studied political science at the Free University of Berlin and completed his degree with a thesis on the end of the GDR sports system. Since then, he has worked as a journalist on topics relating to politics and sport. From 1992 to 1994, he published the legendary magazine "Sportkritik", which had the nice subtitle "Die Zeitschrift gegen das Unentschieden". He later worked as an editor, in the 1990s at the "Junge Welt" and from 2008 to 2019 at the "Jüdische Allgemeine". In between and afterwards, he worked as a freelancer and wrote many articles for "Jungle World", "Freitag" and, in recent years, increasingly for "taz". He has also published a number of books - for example on doping and the boxer Max Schmeling. His book "Dabei sein wäre alles" is currently being published by Bertelsmann-Verlag, which reports on 474 pages on "how athletes are still fighting against marginalisation today" (the subtitle). The novel "The Given Day" (2008) by Dennis Lehane mentioned in the interview was published by Ullstein in 2010 under the German title "Im Aufruhr jener Tage". A list of Martin Krauß' publications can be found here.
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