„Minigolf endlich als Sport anerkannt“ – „Hier und heute“ (WDR/ARD) vom 16.9. 1961
But what is sport? The debate also reached television. And so the regional program "Hier und heute" reported on the 1961 German Miniature Golf Championships, not on the sporting event itself, but on the end of a civil case. The minigolfers had fought in court to establish that what they were doing was a sport and not a game of chance. This news is illustrated by the reporter himself picking up the club, hitting the ball over the railing and then asking an official about the legal dispute. While the conversation continues off-screen, women and men of different ages can be seen swinging the bat - much better than the reporter - to complete the respective course. The condescending gestures and facial expressions deny any interest in what the mini-golfers themselves see as a sport, but which television probably regards as a kind of leisure activity. They have probably forgotten that just a few years ago, Sunday afternoons on this same "German television" were filled with all kinds of things that were described as sport - such as dancesport competitions or gravity races.
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