Exquisite Mists
Exquisite Mists
Macha Ovtchinnikova | 3'15'' | France #filmhaiku
In the hollow between two lakes and two countries, between two eras and two mountains, the fragments of a family history.
About the filmmaker:
Macha Ovtchinnikova is a French-Russian director and researcher. She teaches Aesthetics and Practice of Cinema at the University of Strasbourg where she is a lecturer in Film Studies. She is the author of "The Revelation Of Time Through Sound Forms In The Films Of Andrei Tarkovski And Andrei Zviaguintsev" (2015). She has directed several experimental films —“Les Variations” (2014), “The Scar of the Earth” (2020)— and a documentary, “My Russian 90’s” (2022). She is currently working on a fiction film about Emma Goldman.
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